
Makale Adı Yazarlar Yayın Yeri Yılı Açıklama
1 infoDetermination of Preoperative and Postoperative Serum Leptin, Ghrelin, Insulin, and Irisin Hormone Levels in Left Abomasum DisplacementERGİN EĞRİTAĞ HALE, BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY, YİĞİTARSLAN KÜRŞADProgress in Nutrition2022Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
2 infoInvestigation of Lipid Mobilization and Oxidative Stress Parameters in The Serum Before and After Surgery of Cows with Left Displacement AbomasumASLAN NURCANAN, YİĞİTARSLAN KÜRŞAD, BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAYInternational Journal of Veterinary and Animal Research2022Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, İndex copernicus, google scholar, ESJI
3Oksidatif Stres ve Geçiş Dönemi Süt Sığırlarında Oksidatif Stresin EtkileriBÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY,ASLAN NurcananTürkiye Klinikleri Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi2018Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, INDEX COPERNICUS, EBSCO-Veterinary Source
4Effects of Vitamin C on Male New Zealand White Rabbits Exposed to EndosulfanYILDIZ GÜLAY ÖZLEM,BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY,Hatipoğlu Fatma Şefika,GÜLAY MEHMET ŞÜKRÜKocatepe veteriner dergisi2018Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, CAB Abstract
5Effect of Feeding Management and Seasonal Variation on Fatty Acid Compositionand Tocopherol Content of Cows’ Milk in Region of West Mediterranean, TurkeyBÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY,SEÇİLMİŞ CANBAY HALE,Canbaz Ali Alkan,Uyguralp İsa Can,Tuncer EmineKaraelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi2017Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, EBSCO
6Effects of dietary chicken grill and sunflower seed oils on performance egg yolkcholesterol level biochemical parameters and oxidant antioxidant status of laying hensOĞUZ MUSTAFA NUMAN,KARAKAŞ OĞUZ FATMA,BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAYTurkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences2016Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
7 infoSelected serum biochemical parameters and acute phase protein levels in a herd of Saanen goats showing signs of pregnancy toxaemiaALBAY METİN KORAY, KARAKURUM MEHMET ÇAĞRI, ŞAHİNDURAN ŞİMA, SEZER KENAN, YILDIZ RAMAZAN, BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAYVeterinarni Medicina2014Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
8 infoEffects of dietary chicken grill oil and sunflower seed oil on blood and liver oxidant/antioxidant status and liver function tests in laying Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica)BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY, KARAKAŞ OĞUZ FATMA, OĞUZ MUSTAFA NUMANTurk J Biochem2014Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
9Effect of different concentrations of dietary safflower seed on milk yield and some rumen and blood parameters at the end stage of lactation in dairy cowsBÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAYR. Bras. Zootec2014Uluslararası, Hakemli, , SCI-Expanded
10Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta italica L and Nepeta cilicia Boiss Apud Bentham on Antioxidant EnzymesOzbek Yazıcı S, Ozdemir F, Ozmen I, İleri Büyükoglu T, Konak Ş, Özçelik H, Genç HHacettepe J. Biol. & Chem2012Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, CAB Abstracts
11The Effects of Using Chicken Drippings oil Instead of The Sunflower Oil on Performance Blood Parameters Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Composition of Egg Yolk in Laying Japanese Quail Coturnix coturnix japonicaOguz Karakas F, Oguz MN, Buyukoglu TKafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg2012Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
12Evaluation of Some Haematological and Biochemical Parameters Before and After Treatment in Cows with Ketosis and Comparison of Different Treatment MethodsSahinduran S, Sezer K, Buyukoglu T, Albay MK, Karakurum MCJAVA2010Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded
13Kombucha ve Sağlık Üzerine EtkileriBÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY, TAŞÇI FULYA, KOCASARI FATMAUludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med2010Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, CAB abstract
14Ameliorative Effect of Adalimumab on Experimentally Induced Acute Pancreatitis in RatsYılmaz M, Tekekoglu S, Herek O, Ozmen O, Sahinduran S, Buyukoglu TPancreas2010Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
15Effects of L Carnitine and Vitamin C Electrolyte Premix Supplementation to Diet Containing Safflower Seed on Performance Egg Quality and Some Serum Parameters in Quails under Summer ConditionOguz Karakas F, Oguz MN, Buyukoglu T, Sahindokuyucu FJAVA2010Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded
16Evaluation of changes in serum lipoprotein and apolipoprotein patterns in cows with ketosisİleri Büyükoğlu T, Şahinduran Ş, Sezer K, Güldür TAJVR2009Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SSCI
17Effects of etanercept on sodium taurocholate induced acute pancreatitis in ratsYılmaz M, Topsakal S, Herek O, Ozmen O, Sahinduran S, Buyukoglu T, Yonetici NTransl Res2009Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded
18Increased Water Hardness and Magnesium Levels May Increase Occurrence of Urolithiasis in Cows from the Burdur Region TurkeyŞahinduran Ş, Buyukoglu T, Gulay MŞ, Taşcı FVeterinary Research Communications2007Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
19Effects of Varying Levels of Whole Cottonseed on Blood Milk and Rumen Parameters of Dairy CowsOguz Karakas F, Oguz MN, Buyukoglu TAsian-Aust.J.Anim.Sci2006Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded
20Plasma Ascorbic Acid Levels in Lambs with CoccidiosisŞahinduran Ş, Sezer K, Büyükoğlu T, Yukarı BA, Albay MKTurk J Vet Anim Sci2006Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
21Dyslipoproteinemias and Their Clinical Importance in Several Species of Domestic Animalsİleri Büyükoğlu T, Güldür TJAVMA2005Uluslararası, Hakemli, , SCI
22Effect of calcium and iron supplementation on blood parameters of broiler fed diet with gossypolOguzKarakas F, Oguz MN, Buyukoglu TIndian Journal of Animal Sciences2004Uluslararası, Hakemli, , SCI-Expanded
23Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor Activity in Dairy Cows With Abomasal Displacement The Potential for Anti Cytokine TherapyAvki S, Şimşek A, Türütoğlu H, İleri Büyükoğlu T, Yiğitarslan K, Temizsoylu MDVeteriner Cerrahi Dergisi2004Ulusal, Hakemli, , Endekste taranmıyor
24Comparative isolation of Serum Beta+Pre-Beta lipoproteins of human and various domestic animal species by heparin/MnCl2 precipitation methodBÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY, GÜLDÜR TAYFUNF.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi2003Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, CAB abstract
25 infoComparative ısolation of serum Beta + pre-beta lipoproteins of human and various domestic animal species by dextran sulfate / MnCl2 and sodium phosphotungstate / MgCl2 precipitation methodsBÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY, GÜLDÜR TAYFUNTr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences2002Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
26Separation of Human and Various Animal Lipoproteins by Vertical Agarose Gel ElectrophoresisBÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY, GÜLDÜR TAYFUNF.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi2002Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, CAB abstract
27Electrophoretic Identification of Fish Species Using Various Extraction Systems, and Investigation of The Effect of Frozen Storage and Cooking on Fish Muscle ProteinsTÜRKÖZ YUSUF, ARSLAN ALİ, GÖNÜLALAN ZAFER, BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAYF.Ü.Sağlık Bil. Dergisi2000Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, CAB Abstract
28Investigation of Various Terminal Carbohydrate Structures in Apolipoproteins of Human Serum Chylomicron and VLDLGüldür T, İleri T, Yılmaz RTr.J.Med.Sci2000Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
29 infoComparison of Carbohydrate Compositions of Total Apolipoproteins in LipoproteinsGÜLDÜR TAYFUN, TEMİZER OZAN PENBE SEMA, BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAYTr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences1999Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
30 infoErythrocyte, Saliv ocyte, Saliva and Serum Ar a and Serum Arginase Activity with Serum Ur ginase Activity with Serum Urea and Estr and Estrogen Le ogen Levels inAkkar els inAkkaraman and Iv aman and Ivesi Sheep in Pr esi Sheep in Pregnancy egnancy and PostpartumTEMİZER OZAN PENBE SEMA, GÜRGÖZE SEMA, BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAY, HALİFEOĞLU İHSANTr.J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences1999Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
31Comparison of separation of lipoproteins in human and goat serum by phosphotungstic Acid/MgCI2 precipitation methodGÜLDÜR TAYFUN, BÜYÜKOĞLU TÜLAYF.Ü. Sağlık Bil. Derg.1996Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, CAB abstract