
Bildiri Adı Yazarlar Yayın Yeri Basım Tarihi Açıklama
1Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Salvia tomentosa Ethanolic Extract on Selected PathogensKAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU, MELİKE SULTAN USLUER, MUHAMMED MÜKERREM KAYA, TUTUN SONER, TUTUN HİDAYET, DEMİR Mehmet Mustafa6th International Congress on Veterinary and Animal Sciences08.10.2021Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
2Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Salvia tomentosa Ethanolic Extract on Selected PathogensKAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU, USLUER Melike Sultan, KAYA MUHAMMET MÜKERREM, TUTUN SONER, TUTUN HİDAYET, DEMİR Mehmet Mustafa6th International Congress on Veterinary and Animal Sciences04.09.2021Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
3Investigation of Antiproliferative Effects of Grape Vinegar on Myeloma CellsKAYA Muhammet Mükerrem, USLUER Melike Sultan, ZEYBEK Esra, TUTUN HİDAYETX. National & I. International Veterinary Pathology Congress31.10.2020Özet bildiri, Basılı, Burdur
4Investigation of antibacterial activities of commercial and homemade grape vinegars on some food pathogensKAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU, TUTUN HİDAYET2nd International Congress of Medical Sciences, and Biotechnology03.10.2020Özet bildiri, Basılı, Uşak
5Melaminin Miyeloma Hücreleri Üzerine Antiproliferatif Etkisinin AraştırılmasıATEŞ DUYGU,TUTUN HİDAYET1st International Congress of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology18.10.2019Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, Usak
6Kayısı Çekirdeği Yağının Myeloma Hücreleri Üzerinde Antiproliferatif Etkisinin AraştırılmasıTUTUN HİDAYET,SEVİN SEDATI. Uluslararası VI. Veteriner Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji Kongeresi07.09.2019Tam metin bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, Kayseri
7Yumurta Kabuğuna İnoküle Edilen Staphylococcus aureus Üzerine Karvakrolün Antimikrobiyel Etkisinin AraştırılmasıKEYVAN ERHAN,TUTUN HİDAYET2nd International Health Sciences and Life Congress19.06.2019Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Burdur
8Staphylococcus aureus’un antibiyotik DirençliliğiGügercin Asalettin,YALÇIN HALİL,KAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU,TUTUN HİDAYET1st International Health Science and Life Congress05.05.2018Özet bildiri, Basılı, Burdur
9Süt Toplama Tanklarında Okratoksin A Varlığının BelirlenmesiKEYVAN ERHAN,YURDAKUL ÖZEN,KOCASARI FATMA,TUTUN HİDAYET,DEMİRTAŞ AHU,KAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU,ŞEN ERDİ1st International Health Science and Life Congress05.05.2018Özet bildiri, Basılı, Burdur
10Egzersiz Şiddetinin Bağışıklık Sistemi Üzerine EtkisiTÜRKAY İBRAHİM KUBİLAY,TUTUN HİDAYET,ATAY EMRAH,ÖZMEN ÖZLEM,BAŞALP AYNUR1st International Health Science and Life Congress05.05.2018Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, Burdur
11Meat-Based Bioactive ComponentsKAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU,KEYVAN ERHAN,TUTUN HİDAYET1st International Health Science and Life Congress05.05.2018Özet bildiri, , Burdur
12Functional Dairy Products and Effects on HealthKAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU,TUTUN HİDAYET,YALÇIN HALİL1st International Health Science and Life Congress05.05.2018Özet bildiri, , Burdur
13Chemicals in Meat Cooked High Temperatures and PrecautionsTUTUN HİDAYET,KEYVAN ERHAN,KAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU1st International Health Science and Life Congress05.05.2018Özet bildiri, , Burdur
14Melamine Toxicity in Dairy ProductsTUTUN HİDAYET,KAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU,YALÇIN HALİL1st International Health Science and Life Congress05.05.2018Özet bildiri, , Burdur
15Detection Of Staphylococcal Enterotoxins In Bulk Milk Tanks By ElısaKEYVAN ERHAN,YURDAKUL ÖZEN,KOCASARI FATMA,DEMİRTAŞ AHU,TUTUN HİDAYET,KAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU,ŞEN ERDİ10th Balkan Congress Of Microbiology18.11.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı, Sofya
16Cytotoxic Effects Of The Genus Of Rhododendron Flowers Extract On Human Epithelial Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cell Line (caco-2)Bilir Emine Kübra,SEVİN SEDAT,TUTUN HİDAYET,KISMALI GÖRKEM,YARSAN ENDER2nd International Gazi Pharma Symposium Series13.10.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Ankara
17Cytotoxic Effects Of Rhododendron Ponticum L. Extract On Prostat Carsinoma And Adenocarsinoma Cell Line (du145, Pc3)Bilir Emine Kübra,SEVİN SEDAT,TUTUN HİDAYET,KISMALI GÖRKEM,YARSAN ENDERII International Congress On Advances In Veterinary Sciences Technics08.10.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Üsküp
18Plant Essential Oils Used Against American FoulbroodTUTUN HİDAYET,SEVİN SEDAT,AYAN ADNANII International Congress On Advances In Veterinary Sciences Technics08.10.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Üsküp
19Immunohistochemical Expression of Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) in Sheep Ileum during Prenatal Period.ÖZBEK MEHMET,TUTUN HİDAYET,ERGÜN EMEL,BEYAZ FEYZULLAH,ERGÜN LEVENT2nd International Congress on Advances in Veterinary Sciences Technics (ICAVST)08.10.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
20Molecular Diagnosis Of Giardia Duodenalis In Dogs And Calves In Aydın And Izmir ProvinceAYAN ADNAN,GÜLTEKİN MEHMET,URAL KEREM,AYSUL NURAN,PAŞA SERDAR,HAYDARDEDEOĞLU ALİ EVREN,TUTUN HİDAYETII International Congress On Advances In Veterinary Sciences Technics08.10.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Üsküp
21Development of Program for Management of Honey Bee DiseaseSEVİN SEDAT,TUTUN HİDAYET,YARSAN ENDER45th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress04.10.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik, İstanbul
22Kuru Dinlendirme İşlemi Sırasında Miyofibriler Proteinlerde Meydana Gelen Yapısal Değişimlerin BelirlenmesiKAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU,TUTUN HİDAYET,KEYVAN ERHAN,DOĞRUER YUSUF,GÜRBÜZ ÜMİT7. Veteriner Gıda Hijyeni Kongresi04.10.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Kuşadası/Aydın
23Arı Ürünlerinde Mikrobiyal KontaminasyonKAHRAMAN HATİCE AHU,TUTUN HİDAYETInternational Congress of the New Approaches and Technologies for Sustainable Development24.09.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik, ısparta
24Çevre Güvenliği ve Arı Ürünlerinde Kimyasal KontaminasyonTUTUN HİDAYET,KAHRAMAN HATİCE AHUInternational Congress of the New Approaches and Technologies for Sustainable Development24.09.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik, ISPARTA
25Bioactive, Pharmacological Properties and Therapeutic Use of Cappris PlantErezer Lale,KART ASIM,TUTUN HİDAYETI. International congress on medicinal and aramatic plants”Natural and healty life” TABKON’xx1712.05.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı, Konya
26Cytotoxic Effects of Rhododendron Ponticum L., Extract on Rat Glioma Cell Line (F98).bilir Emine Kübra,SEVİN SEDAT,TUTUN HİDAYET,ALÇIĞIR MEHMET ERAY,YARSAN ENDERI. International congress on medicinal and aramatic plants”Natural and healty life” TABKON’xx1712.05.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı, konya
27Plant Essential Oils Used Against Varroa.TUTUN HİDAYET,ALTINTAŞ LEVENT,KART ASIMI. International congress on medicinal and aramatic plants”Natural and healty life” TABKON’xx1712.05.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı,
28Nosema spp Enfeksiyonlarına Karşı Kullanılan İlaçlar ve Alternatif Tedavi SeçenekleriGenç Gürkan,TUTUN HİDAYET,SEVİN SEDAT,BİLGİLİ ALİ5. uluslararası Muğla Arıcılık ve Çam Balı Kongresi05.11.2016Özet bildiri, Basılı, Muğla
29Apiterapide Arı Zehirinin KullanımıBektaş Neslihan,ALTINTAŞ LEVENT,TUTUN HİDAYET,SEVİN SEDAT5. uluslararası Muğla Arıcılık ve Çam Balı Kongresi05.11.2016Özet bildiri, Basılı, Muğla
30Antropogenic ecotoxicity evaluation in vitro and its relationto the occurence of some persistent organic pollutants in water and sediment samples collected from Ankara RiverYURDAKÖK DİKMEN BEGÜM,Kuzukıran Özgür,TUTUN HİDAYET,SEVİN SEDAT,AYDIN FARAH GÖNÜL,FİLAZİ AYHANEUROTOX2016 52nd European Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology.07.09.2016Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Seville
31Occurrences Distributions and Monthly Variations of Some Persistent Organic Pollutants in Water and Surface Sediments From Ankara River TurkeyYURDAKÖK DİKMEN BEGÜM,kuzukıran özgür,AYDIN FARAH GÖNÜL,TUTUN HİDAYET,SEVİN SEDAT,FİLAZİ AYHANSociety of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo17.03.2016Özet bildiri, Basılı, New Orleans
32A novel method based on ultrasound assisted extraction with low density solvent and dispersive liquid liquid microextraction for the determination of selected polychlorinated biphenyls in marine sediments by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometryözgür kuzukıran,YURDAKÖK DİKMEN BEGÜM,FİLAZİ AYHAN,SEVİN SEDAT,AYDIN FARAH GÖNÜL,TUTUN HİDAYET13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT 2015)22.07.2015Özet bildiri, Basılı,
33Evaluation of antropogenic ecotoxicity in Ankara River using RTG2 Cell lineYURDAKÖK DİKMEN BEGÜM,TUTUN HİDAYET,SEVİN SEDAT,AYDIN FARAH GÖNÜL13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology22.07.2015Özet bildiri, Basılı, Nantes
34Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Mısırın Toksikolojik DeğerlendirilmesiTUTUN HİDAYET,BAYDAN EMİNE,SEVİN SEDATEkoloji 2015 Sempozyumu06.05.2015Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Sinop
35Varroa destructor a Karşı Kullanılan Biyolojik Mücadele YöntemleriSEVİN SEDAT,BAYDAN EMİNE,TUTUN HİDAYETEkoloji 2015 Sempozyumu06.05.2015Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Sinop
36Investigation of selected PCBs in water samples from Ankara River by ultrasound assisted emulsification microextraction USAEME and gas chromatography mass spectrometry GC MSKUZUKIRAN ÖZGÜR,YURDAKÖK DİKMEN BEGÜM,FİLAZİ AYHAN,SEVİN SEDAT,AYDIN FARAH GÖNÜLBelgian Society of Toxicology and Ecotoxicology04.12.2014Özet bildiri, Basılı, Geel
38Effects of Salvia Tomentosa Ointment on Dermal Wound Healing in a Rabbit ModelDemir Mehmet Mustafa, İPEK VOLKAN, TUTUN HİDAYET, ÇINAR HARUN, AYÖZGER LEYLA ELİF ÖZGÜ4. International Young Researchers Student CongressÖzet bildiri, ,