1 | | Determination of Cadmium and Lead Contamination of animal feeding stuffs obtained from heavy traffic, ındustrial and agricultural regions of Bursa, Turkey | MOR SAVAŞ FİRDES,Ceylan Selahattin | International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Techology | 2018 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, Directory of Open Access Journals, Open Academic Journal Index |
2 | | Diabetogenic Effects of Ochratoxin A in Female Rats | MOR FİRDES,şengül ömür,TOPSAKAL ŞENAY,KILIÇ MEHMET AKİF,ÖZMEN ÖZLEM | TOXİNS | 2017 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
3 | | Contribution of Organ Vasculature in Rat Renal Analysis for Ochratoxin A Relevance to Toxicology of Nephrotoxins | Peter Mantle,Mehmet Akif Kilic,MOR FİRDES,Ozlem Ozmen | TOXINS | 2015 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
4 | | Effects of vitamin C on pathology and caspase 3 activity of kidneys with subacute endosulfan toxicity | Ozlem Ozmen,MOR FİRDES | BIOTECHNIC & HISTOCHEMISTRY | 2015 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
5 | | The occurrence and levels of cyanotoxin nodularin from Nodularia spumigena in the alkaline and salty Lake Burdur Turkey | Fatma Sahindokuyucu Kocasari,Gulle, Iskender,Sukru Kocasari,Selcuk Pekkaya,MOR FİRDES | JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY | 2015 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
6 | | The effects of orchidectomy on toxicological responses to dietary ochratoxin A in Wistar rats | MOR FİRDES,Mehmet Akif Kİlic,Ozlem Ozmen,Mesut Yilmaz,Eker İ,Uran Kemal | Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology | 2014 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
7 | | Occurrence of mycotoxins in feed samples in Burdur Province Turkey | Sahindokuyucu F,MOR FİRDES,NM Oguz,Oguz NM | ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT | 2013 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
8 | info | Survey of aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products consumed in Burdur Turkey | FATMA SAHINDOKUYUCU KOCASARI,FULYA TASCI,MOR FİRDES | International Journal of Dairy Technology | 2012 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SSCI |
9 | info | Apoptosis in adult rabbit testes during subacute endosulfan toxicity | Ozlem Ozmen,MOR FİRDES | Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology | 2012 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SSCI |
10 | info | A role for testosterone in the toxicity of ochratoxin a in male rats | Mor Firdevs, Kilic Mehmet A., Ozmen Ozlem, Eker Ilknur, Yilmaz Mesut, Uran Kemal, Mantle Peter G. | Toxicology Letters | 2012 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
11 | info | Apoptosis in adult rabbit testes during subacute endosulfan toxicity | ÖZMEN ÖZLEM, MOR SAVAŞ FİRDES | Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology | 2012 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SSCI |
12 | | Determination of sulphonamide residues in cattle meats by the Charm II system and validation with high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection | MOR FİRDES,Kocasari F,Özdemir G,Oz B | Food Chemistry | 2012 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
13 | info | Comparative Tissue Distribution of Heavy Metals in House Sparrow Passer domesticus Aves in Polluted and Reference Sites in Turkey | Albayrak Tamer, Mor Firdevs | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | 2011 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
14 | | Süt sığırlarında Önemli Olan Mikotoksinler ve Etkileri | Sahindokuyucu F, Mor F | Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi | 2011 | Ulusal, Hakemli, , CAB Abstract |
15 | | Sığırların Doku Örneklerinde Zeranol ve Trenbolon Kalıntılarının Belirlenmesi | Mor F, Sahindokuyucu F, Kav K, Köker A | Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Science | 2011 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, CAB abstract |
16 | | Comparative Tissue Distribution of Heavy Metals in House Sparrow Passer Domestic Aves in Polluted and Reference Sites in Turkey | Albayrak T, Mor F | The Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, | 2011 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, , SCI |
17 | | Haematological biochemical and thyroid gland investigations in pregnantcows and in calves chronically intoxicated with nitrate | SEZER KENAN,M K Albay,Ozmen O,Haligur M,Sahinduran S,MOR FİRDES,Koker A | REVUE DE MEDECINE VETERINAIRE | 2011 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
18 | info | Effect of vitamin C in reducing the toxicity of endosulfan in liver in rabbits | MOR FİRDES,Ozlem Ozmen | Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology | 2010 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SSCI |
19 | info | Pathological and Immunohistochemical Examinations of the Pancreas in Subacute Endosulfan Toxicity in Rabbits | Ozlem Ozmen,Sima Sahinduran,MOR FİRDES | Pancreas | 2010 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SSCI |
20 | info | Endosulfan induced neurotoxicity and serum acetylcholinesterase inhibition in rabbits The protective effect of Vit C | MOR FİRDES,Ozlem Ozmen | Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology | 2010 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SSCI |
21 | | Şahindokuyucu F Mor F Oğuz M N Karakaş Oğuz F Burdur İl inde Toplanan Silajlarda Mikotoksin Varlığının ve Düzeylerinin Araştırılması | Sahindokuyucu F, Mor F, Oğuz MN, Karakas Oguz F | Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi | 2010 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, CAB Abstract |
22 | | Nitrate and Nitrite Contents of Some Vegetables Consumed in South Province of Turkey | MOR FİRDES,Sahindokuyucu F,Erdogan N | Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances | 2010 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
23 | | Gıdalarda Bulunan Dioksinlerin Potansiyel Sağlık Riskleri | Kursun O, Mor F | Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner fakültesi | 2009 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Elektronik, CAB Abstract |
24 | | Ağır Metal Kalıntılarının İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri | Mor F, Kursun O | Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi | 2009 | Ulusal, Hakemli, , Cab Abstract |
25 | | Cadmium and lead contamination in vegetables collected from industrial traffic and rural areas in Bursa Province Turkey | MOR FİRDES,Ceylan S | FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS | 2008 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
26 | | Cadmium and lead in livestock feed and cattle manure from fouragricultural areas of Bursa Turkey | CERİT HARUN,MOR FİRDES,Ozen Kursun,Avanus Kozet | FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN | 2007 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
27 | | Reduction of House dust Mite Allergen Concentrations in Carpets by Aluminium Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate alum | Cosgun SZ, Aydın L, Gülegen E, Mor F | Allergy&Astma Proceedings | 2006 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
28 | | Biyolojik Silah Olarak Hemorajik Fever Virusları Tedavi Teşhis Kontrol | Kale M, Mor F | Uuludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner fakültesi | 2005 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Elektronik, CAB Abstract |
29 | | Lead and cadmium levels in tissues of horses in Bursa Turkey | Mor F , Sonal S , Cerit H | FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN | 2005 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI |
30 | | Pathological and Toxicological Investigations of Chronic Nitrate Poisoning in Cattle | Ozmen O,MOR FİRDES,Sahinduran S,Unsal A | Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry | 2005 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded |
31 | | Acute lead intoxication in cattle housed in an old battery factory | Ozmen O,MOR FİRDES | VETERINARY AND HUMAN TOXICOLOGY | 2004 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
32 | | Acute endosulfan poisoning in cattle | MOR FİRDES,Ozmen O | VETERINARY AND HUMAN TOXICOLOGY | 2003 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
33 | | Nitrate poisoning in cattle fed Chenopodium album hay | Ozmen O,MOR FİRDES,Unsal A | VETERINARY AND HUMAN TOXICOLOGY | 2003 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SSCI |
34 | | Sivrisinek Kovucu Likid Piretroid İnsektisid Preparatın Bioalletrin Ratlarda Kronik Toksik Etkileri | Sonal S, Özbilgen S, Mor F | Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi | 1996 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Elektronik, CAB Abstract |