
Kitap Adı Bölüm Adı Yazarlar Yayın Yeri Yılı Açıklama
1The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching Artificial intelligence tools for question generationKILIÇKAYA FERİT, Liontas John I.John Wiley & Sons2024Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
2What prek-12 teachers should know about educational technology in 2023: A Research-to-practice anthologyMisuse of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in assignments: Can ai-written content be detected?KILIÇKAYA FERİT, Kic-Drgas JoannaAACE – Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education2023Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
3Various facets of foreign language educationChallenges and benefits of providing video feedback to students’ online groupwork activities.KILIÇKAYA FERİTKovac, Dr. Verlag.2023Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
4Language teaching approaches and methodsTechnology and language learningKILIÇKAYA FERİTEğiten Kitap2023Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
5Optimizing online English language learning and teachingTransition to online assessment: Opportunities and challenges for language lecturers in the EFL tertiary contextKILIÇKAYA FERİTSpringer2023Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
6Online language teaching in actionAvoiding contract cheatingKILIÇKAYA FERİT, Ramaswamy JeyasalaAsia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL)2023Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
7Online language teaching in actionCollaborative learning of common idioms and expressions in EnglishRamaswamy Jeyasala, KILIÇKAYA FERİTAsia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL)2023Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
8Online language teaching in actionIntegrating artificial intelligence into collaborative poetryÇIRAKLI MUSTAFA ZEKİ, KILIÇKAYA FERİTAsia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL)2023Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
9Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Teknoloji UygulamalarıYabancı Dil Öğretimine Dönük Mobil UygulamalarÇETİN KENAN, KILIÇKAYA FERİTNobel Akademik Yayıncılık2022Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
10Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Teknoloji UygulamalarıYabancı Dil Öğretimine Dönük Mobil UygulamalarÇETİN KENAN, KILIÇKAYA FERİTNobel2022Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
11English as a foreign language in a new-found post-pandemic worldPre-Service EFL teacher candidates’ concerns over digital language assessment and test anxietyKILIÇKAYA FERİTIGI Global2022Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
12Challenges and opportunities of teaching English worldwide in the COVID-19 pandemicIntroductionKILIÇKAYA FERİT, Kic-Drgas Joanna, Nahlen RachelCambridge Scholars Publishing2022Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
13Türkçe Eğitimi Sürecinde Ölçme ve DeğerlendirmeÖlçme ve Değerlendirme Sürecinde Teknoloji KullanımıKILIÇKAYA FERİTAnı Yayıncılık2022Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
14The new normal of online language educationTeaching vocabulary online using Internet resources: A language teacher's experienceKILIÇKAYA FERİTEğiten Kitap2022Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
15New themes and dimensions in applied linguisticsThe use of L1 translation activities in teaching vocabulary to young learnersÇil Pınar, KILIÇKAYA FERİTVerlag Dr. Kovac2021Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
16New themes and dimensions in applied linguisticsKILIÇKAYA FERİT, Krawiec Marek, Sánchez-Sánchez Gabriel, Castello ErikVerlag Dr. Kovac2021Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Tümü
17Enhancements and limitations to ICT based informal language learning: Emerging research and opportunitiesAdult language learners’ informal employment of ICT applications and websites to assess their English skills.KILIÇKAYA FERİTIGI Global2020Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
18New technological applications for foreign and second language learning and teachingUsing a chatbot, Replika, to practice writing through conversations in L2 English: A case studyKILIÇKAYA FERİTIGI Global2020Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
19New ways in teaching with creative writingInterviewing story characters.KILIÇKAYA FERİTTESOL Press2020Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
20Context-specific computer-assisted language learning: Research, development and practiceUsing different types of computer-supported signaling in explicit online grammar instructionKILIÇKAYA FERİTAPACALL2019Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
21Tests that second language teachers make and useA final exam on contextual English grammar for pre-service teachers of EnglishKILIÇKAYA FERİTCambridge Scholars Publishing2019Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
22Professional development in CALL: A selection of papersMaterials design in CALL: A case study of two teachers of English as creators of digital materialsKILIÇKAYA FERİTResearch-publishing.net2019Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
23New Ways in Teaching Grammar, Second EditionTalking About Hypothetical Conditions and ResultsKILIÇKAYA FERİT,ÇETİN KENAN,GÜNDÜZ TARKANTESOL Press2018Araştırma (Tez Hariç) Kitabı, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
24New Ways in Teaching GrammarGuess the result!KILIÇKAYA FERİTTESOL Press2018Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
25Sezie the day: New perspectives on foreign language learning and teachingRecycling English vocabulary through rational/selected deletion cloze, c-test and cloze elide.KILIÇKAYA FERİTVerlag Dr. Kovac2018Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
26New Ways in Teaching GrammarTalking about hypothetical conditions and resultsKILIÇKAYA FERİT,ÇETİN KENAN,GÜNDÜZ TARKANTESOL Press2018Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
27The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language TeachingInformation and communications technology (ICT) in listening instructionKILIÇKAYA FERİTJohn Wiley2018Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
28Innovations in languages for Specificv PurposesPeer assessment of group members in tertiary contexts.KILIÇKAYA FERİTPeter Lang2017Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
29Balkan Educational Studies 2017Infusing action mazes into language assessment class using QuandaryKILIÇKAYA FERİTTrakya Universitesi2017Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler)
30CALL for OpennessUse of Screencasting for Delivering Lectures and Providing Feedback inEducational Contexts: Issues and ImplicationsKILIÇKAYA FERİTMariusz Marczak (Author), Jaroslaw Krajka2016Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
31Studies and global perspectives of second language teaching and LearningTeaching ESL phrasal verbs through a cognitive linguistic lensKILIÇKAYA FERİTIAP Publishing2013Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
32WorldCALL: International Perspectives on Computer-Assisted Language LearningImproving pronunciation via accent reduction and text-to-speech software.KILIÇKAYA FERİTRoutledge2011Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)
33Practising the Use of Instructional TechnologyApplication of Computers and Literature in English Language TeachingÜSTÜN KAYA SENEM, DEMİRBULAK DİLARA, KILIÇKAYA FERİTVDM Verlag Dr Müller2010Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler)