1 | The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching
| Artificial intelligence tools for question generation | KILIÇKAYA FERİT, Liontas John I. | John Wiley & Sons | 2024 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
2 | What prek-12 teachers should know about educational technology in 2023: A Research-to-practice anthology | Misuse of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in assignments: Can ai-written content be detected? | KILIÇKAYA FERİT, Kic-Drgas Joanna | AACE – Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | 2023 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
3 | Various facets of foreign language education | Challenges and benefits of providing video feedback to students’ online groupwork activities. | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Kovac, Dr. Verlag. | 2023 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
4 | Language teaching approaches and methods | Technology and language learning | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Eğiten Kitap | 2023 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
5 | Optimizing online English language learning and teaching | Transition to online assessment: Opportunities and challenges for language lecturers in the EFL tertiary context | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Springer | 2023 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
6 | Online language teaching in action | Avoiding contract cheating | KILIÇKAYA FERİT, Ramaswamy Jeyasala | Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL) | 2023 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
7 | Online language teaching in action | Collaborative learning of common idioms and expressions in English | Ramaswamy Jeyasala, KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL) | 2023 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
8 | Online language teaching in action | Integrating artificial intelligence into collaborative poetry | ÇIRAKLI MUSTAFA ZEKİ, KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL) | 2023 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
9 | Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Teknoloji Uygulamaları | Yabancı Dil Öğretimine Dönük Mobil Uygulamalar | ÇETİN KENAN, KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık | 2022 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
10 | Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Teknoloji Uygulamaları | Yabancı Dil Öğretimine Dönük Mobil Uygulamalar | ÇETİN KENAN, KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Nobel | 2022 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
11 | English as a foreign language in a new-found post-pandemic world | Pre-Service EFL teacher candidates’ concerns over digital language assessment and test anxiety | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | IGI Global | 2022 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
12 | Challenges and opportunities of teaching English worldwide in the COVID-19 pandemic | Introduction | KILIÇKAYA FERİT, Kic-Drgas Joanna, Nahlen Rachel | Cambridge Scholars Publishing | 2022 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
13 | Türkçe Eğitimi Sürecinde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme | Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sürecinde Teknoloji Kullanımı | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Anı Yayıncılık | 2022 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
14 | The new normal of online language education | Teaching vocabulary online using Internet resources: A language teacher's experience | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Eğiten Kitap | 2022 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
15 | New themes and dimensions in applied linguistics | The use of L1 translation activities in teaching vocabulary to young learners | Çil Pınar, KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Verlag Dr. Kovac | 2021 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
16 | New themes and dimensions in applied linguistics | | KILIÇKAYA FERİT, Krawiec Marek, Sánchez-Sánchez Gabriel, Castello Erik | Verlag Dr. Kovac | 2021 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Tümü |
17 | Enhancements and limitations to ICT based informal language learning: Emerging research and opportunities | Adult language learners’ informal employment of ICT applications and websites to assess their English skills. | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | IGI Global | 2020 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
18 | New technological applications for foreign and second language learning and teaching | Using a chatbot, Replika, to practice writing through conversations in L2 English: A case study | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | IGI Global | 2020 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
19 | New ways in teaching with creative writing | Interviewing story characters. | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | TESOL Press | 2020 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
20 | Context-specific computer-assisted language learning: Research, development and practice | Using different types of computer-supported signaling in explicit online grammar instruction | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | APACALL | 2019 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
21 | Tests that second language teachers make and use | A final exam on contextual English grammar for pre-service teachers of English | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Cambridge Scholars Publishing | 2019 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
22 | Professional development in CALL: A selection of papers | Materials design in CALL: A case study of two teachers of English as creators of digital materials | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Research-publishing.net | 2019 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
23 | New Ways in Teaching Grammar, Second Edition | Talking About Hypothetical Conditions and Results | KILIÇKAYA FERİT,ÇETİN KENAN,GÜNDÜZ TARKAN | TESOL Press | 2018 | Araştırma (Tez Hariç) Kitabı, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
24 | New Ways in Teaching Grammar | Guess the result! | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | TESOL Press | 2018 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
25 | Sezie the day: New perspectives on foreign language learning and teaching | Recycling English vocabulary through rational/selected deletion cloze, c-test and cloze elide. | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Verlag Dr. Kovac | 2018 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
26 | New Ways in Teaching Grammar | Talking about hypothetical conditions and results | KILIÇKAYA FERİT,ÇETİN KENAN,GÜNDÜZ TARKAN | TESOL Press | 2018 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
27 | The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching | Information and communications technology (ICT) in listening instruction | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | John Wiley | 2018 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
28 | Innovations in languages for Specificv Purposes | Peer assessment of group members in tertiary contexts. | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Peter Lang | 2017 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
29 | Balkan Educational Studies 2017 | Infusing action mazes into language assessment class using Quandary | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Trakya Universitesi | 2017 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı+Elektronik, Bölüm(ler) |
30 | CALL for Openness | Use of Screencasting for Delivering Lectures and Providing Feedback inEducational Contexts: Issues and Implications | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Mariusz Marczak (Author), Jaroslaw Krajka | 2016 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
31 | Studies and global perspectives of second language teaching and Learning | Teaching ESL phrasal verbs through a cognitive linguistic lens | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | IAP Publishing | 2013 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
32 | WorldCALL: International Perspectives on Computer-Assisted Language Learning | Improving pronunciation via accent reduction and text-to-speech software. | KILIÇKAYA FERİT | Routledge | 2011 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |
33 | Practising the Use of Instructional Technology | Application of Computers and Literature in English Language Teaching | ÜSTÜN KAYA SENEM, DEMİRBULAK DİLARA, KILIÇKAYA FERİT | VDM Verlag Dr Müller | 2010 | Bilimsel Kitap, Uluslararası, Basılı, Bölüm(ler) |