
Bildiri Adı Yazarlar Yayın Yeri Basım Tarihi Açıklama
1The Investigation of the Relationship Between Physical and Motoric Characteristics of Young WrestlersÖZER UĞUR,ŞAHİN AHMETInternational Turkish Folks Traditional Sports-Games Symposium10.12.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, KAHRAMANMARAŞ
2Comparison of Selected Anthropometric Characteristic of Junior and Little Ones Wrestlers According to Age VariableÖZER UĞUR,ŞAHİN AHMETInternational Türkish Folks Traditional Sports-Games Symposium10.12.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, Kahramanmaraş
3Religious Rituals of Kırkpınar Traditional WrestlingsAKGÜL MEHMET HAŞİM,KORKMAZ SEZGİN,ŞAHİN AHMET,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDARInternational Türkish Folks Traditional Sports-Games Symposium10.12.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, Kahramanmaraş
4Does the Undergarduate Athletes’ Self Talk Levels Affect Imagery Levels?ŞAHİN AHMET,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,CİVAR YAVUZ SELMAInternational Conference On New Horizons in Education20.07.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, BERLİN
5The Role of Motivationel Self-Talk and Life Satisfactions on Determining The Flow Experience of Undergraduate AthletesŞAHİN AHMET,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,CİVAR YAVUZ SELMAInternational Conference On New Horizons in Education20.07.2017Tam metin bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, BERLİN
6Examining The Relationship Between Kinesthetic Intelligence Levels and Problem Solving Skills of Child and Young SportersŞAHİN AHMET,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,CİVAR YAVUZ SELMAInternational Conference On New Horizons İn Education20.07.2017Tam metin bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, BERLİN
7Investigation of Healthy Living Behaviors of University Students Participating and Non Participating SportsCİVAR YAVUZ SELMA,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,ÖZER ÖMER,ŞAHİN AHMET,ÇOBAN MeryemInternational Conference On New Horizons İn Education20.07.2017Tam metin bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, BERLİN
8The Role of Self-Talk and Self-Effıcacy Levels of Athletes Studying at Faculties of Sport Sciences on Predicting Mental ToughnessBAYKÖSE NAZMİ,CİVAR YAVUZ SELMA,ÖZER ÖMER,ŞAHİN AHMETInternational Conference On New Horizons İn Education20.07.2017Tam metin bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, BERLİN
9An Examination on Fructose Usage of AthletesALKA ARAS,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,ŞAHİN AHMET,KARACA AHMET ALİ4. İnternational Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress23.04.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı, BURDUR
11Examination of Loneliness Levels of Faculty of Spor Sciences StudentsKORKMAZ DENİZ,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,KARACA AHMET ALİ,ŞAHİN AHMET,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR4. İnternational Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress23.04.2017Özet bildiri, Basılı, BURDUR
12Investigation of Relationship Between Just World Perceptions (Belief in a Just World) and Decision Making Process of Students at the School of Physıcal Education and SportsACAR GÖKHAN,MUSA MİHRİAY,ŞAHİN AHMET,KARABULUT NURİ,YAMAN NİGAR,ÖZER MUHAMMETİnternational Conference on New Horizons in Education15.07.2016Tam metin bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, VİYANA
13Effects of the Different 3 Teaching Methods Used in the Physical Education and Sport Class on the Cognitive and Psychomotor Accesses of the Secondary School Students and Determination of the Attitudes to the Physical Education and Sport Class.ÜNAL İSMAİL,ŞAHİN AHMET3. International Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress29.05.2016Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, GAZİANTEP
14Investigating the Motivation Levels of Specific Success According to Several Variables in University WrestlersKUMARTAŞLI MEHMET,ŞAHİN AHMET,ATAY EMRAH,GÜRLER MEHMET ALİ3. International Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress29.05.2016Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, GAZİANTEP
15Mehmet Akif Ersoy University of Physical Education and Sports School Students' Ability of Sports Imagery Evaluation of Different VariablesÖLMEZ ECEM,ŞAHİN AHMET,KARAFİL AHMET YAVUZ,AKGÜL MEHMET HAŞİM3. International Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Cogress29.05.2016Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, GAZİANTEP
16Sporda Dini Ritüeller ve DeğerlerERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR,AKGÜL MEHMET HAŞİM,ŞAHİN AHMET,KORKMAZ SEZGİNIII. Uluslararsı Geleneksel Türk Güreşleri Sempozyumu ve Oyunları08.05.2016Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, KAHRAMANMARAŞ
17Is Self Talk of Athletes One of The Determinants of Their Continuous Sportive Confidence Level? BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,ŞAHİN AHMET,zengin serkan,ŞAHAN HASAN7 th World Conference on Psychology Counseling Guidance30.04.2016Özet bildiri, Elektronik, İZMİR
18The Role of Sports Passion Level of Athletesin Determinig Love Attitude and Relation SatisfacrionBAYKÖSE NAZMİ,ŞAHİN AHMET,ŞAHAN HASAN7 th World Conference on Psychology Counseling Guidance30.04.2016Özet bildiri, Elektronik, İZMİR
19Do The Sportsmen Doing Team and Personal Sports Have Different Selfefficacy Levels?ŞAHİN FİLİZ,ŞAHİN AHMET,ŞAHAN HASAN2. İnternetional Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress30.05.2015Özet bildiri, Basılı, AFYON
20Secondary and High Schools Participating in the School Physical Education Teachers Who Work Sporlarına Investigation of The Problems They FaceÜNAL İsmail,ÇETİN Meryem,ŞAHİN AHMET2. İnternational Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress30.05.2015Özet bildiri, Basılı, AFYON
21Analyzing The Correlation of Motivational Climate and Achievement Goals of Amateur Football Playersbal emine,ŞAHİN AHMET,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR,ERASLAN MERİÇ,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ19th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science05.07.2014Özet bildiri, Basılı, AMSTERDAM
22Analyzing The Correlation Between Self-Esteem And Attitude of 25 Year Old and Younger Participants Doing ExerciseBİNGÖL ERKAN,ŞAHİN AHMET,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR,ALDEMİR GÜLAY YASEMİN,FİLİZ KEMAL,ERAVŞAR HAKAN19th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science05.07.2014Özet bildiri, Basılı, AMSTERDAM
23Analyzing The Connection Level of The Students In School of Physical Education and Sports Between Their Moods and The Achievement Goal CorrelationBAYKÖSE NAZMİ,ŞAHİN AHMET,ACAR GÖKHAN,ERAVŞAR HAKAN,YILDIZ MUSTAFA,ŞAKAR MURAT19th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science05.07.2014Özet bildiri, Basılı, AMSTERDAM
24The Research of Overcoming the Stress of Students Who Are Making Team Sport and Induvidual Sport in the Schol of Physical Education and SportsAKIN Ali,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR,ŞAHİN AHMET1st İnternational Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress23.05.2014Özet bildiri, Basılı, ANTALYA
25Analyse of the Imagery Styles of the Individuals-Above 15 Years of Age- Who Take Regular ExerciseERYİĞİT HAKAN,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR,ŞAHİN AHMET1st İnternational Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress23.05.2014Özet bildiri, Basılı, ANTALYA
26College Students Majoring in Physical Education And Sport İs To Examine The Level Of LonelinessŞİMŞEK KEZİBAN,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR,ŞAHİN FİLİZ,ŞAHİN AHMET1st İnternational Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress23.05.2014Özet bildiri, Basılı, ANTALYA
27Examine the Self-Perceptions of The Students in Physical Training and Sports CollegeDİLEK AYŞELİ,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR,ŞAHİN AHMET1st İnternational Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress23.05.2014Özet bildiri, Basılı, ANTALYA
28Examine the Goal Orientation of Team and Individual Sports AthletesYÜCE FİRDEVS,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR,KILINÇ MUSTAFA,ŞAHİN AHMET4. İnternational Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress23.04.2014Özet bildiri, Basılı, BURDUR
29The Relations Between the Individual Sleep Quality and the Accomplisment Level of The Turkish National Team Attending to the Wrestling Wortld CupFİLİZ KEMAL,ŞAHİN AHMET,ACAR GÖKHAN,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ1. Balkan Symposium in Sport Sciences02.06.2013Özet bildiri, Basılı, TETOVO
30Bayan Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Sürekli Öfke Düzeylerinin İncelenmesiYILDIRIM ELİF,YILDIZ MUSTAFA,ŞAHİN AHMET6. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Öğrenci Kongresi19.05.2013Özet bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, KAYSERİ
31Sporsal Faaliyet Alanlarının Yeterliliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma (Karaman İli Örneği) ŞAHİN AHMET,ŞAKAR MURAT,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,sim hatice,ŞAHAN HASAN,ERDOĞAN BARBAROS SERDAR2nd International Congress on Sport for All and Sport Tourism11.11.2012Özet bildiri, Basılı, ANTALYA
32An Investigation of the Effects of Mass Media Among the Students Studying at Physical Education and Sports CollegeŞAHAN HASAN,YILDIZ MEVLÜT,sim hatice,BAYKÖSE NAZMİ,yarar demet neriman,ŞAHİN AHMET2nd International Social Sciences in Physical Education and Sport Congress02.06.2012Özet bildiri, Basılı, Ankara
33İletişim Becerisinin Takım Başarısına Etkisini Ölçmeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma (Avrupa Güreş Şampiyonasına Katılan Türk Bayan Milli Takım Örneği)TEMEL VEYSEL,ULUKAN MEHMET,ŞAHAN HASAN,ŞAHİN AHMET22. TAFİSA World Congress Sport for All14.11.2011Özet bildiri, Basılı, Antalya
34İşitme Engelli Milli Sporcuların Stres ve Saldırganlık Düzeylerinin İncelenmesiTEMEL VEYSEL,ULUKAN MEHMET,ŞAHAN HASAN,ŞAHİN AHMET22. TAFİSA World Congress Sport for All14.11.2011Özet bildiri, Basılı, Antalya