1 | info | The effects of using intermittent metal part reinforcement and countersink on the strength of adhesively bonded joints | ÇALIK AHMET, AKPINAR SALİH, DEMİRAL MURAT | International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives | 2024 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded |
2 | info | The effect of geometry on joint strength in adhesively bonded joints with the same adhesive area | AKPINAR SALİH, HACISALİHOĞLU İLYAS, ÇALIK AHMET | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures | 2024 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded |
3 | | Exploring the Efficiency and Emission Characteristics of Hydroxy-Boosted Canola Biodiesel in Comparison to Traditional Diesel Fuels | ÇALIK AHMET | Frontiers in Energy Research | 2024 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded |
4 | info | Combined effects of hydrogen and TiO2 nanoparticle additive on terebinth oil biodiesel operated diesel engine | ÇALIK AHMET, TOSUN ERDİ, AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKAN, ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA | Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET) | 2023 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded |
5 | info | The effect of fiber length and structure on joint strength in bonded joints with fiber-reinforced composite adhesive | ÇALIK AHMET, AKPINAR SALİH | International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives | 2023 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded |
6 | | Influences of Iron Oxide Nanomaterial and Hydrogen Addition into Sunflower Biodiesel/Diesel Powered Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions | ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA, TOSUN ERDİ, ÇALIK AHMET | Macromolecular Symposia | 2022 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, Scopus |
7 | info | Dört Nokta Eğme Yüküne Maruz Yapıştırma Bağlantılarında İç Kademenin Bağlantı Hasar Yüküne Etkisi: Deneysel ve Sayısal Analiz | ÇALIK AHMET, AKPINAR SALİH | Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi (Online) | 2022 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Elektronik, TR DİZİN |
8 | info | Numerical analysis of elasto-plastic adhesively single step lap joints with cohesive zone models and its experimental verification | BAYRAMOGLU SİMAY,AKPINAR SALİH,ÇALIK AHMET | Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology | 2021 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded |
9 | | Dört Noktalı Eğme Testi Altında Yapıştırıcı ile Birleştirilmiş Bindirme Bağlantısının Deneysel ve Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi | AKPINAR SALİH, ÇALIK AHMET | Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi | 2021 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, TR DİZİN |
10 | info | Effect of Extensometer Usage on Obtaining the Force-Displacement Curve of the Adhesively Single Lap Joint | ÇALIK AHMET,AKPINAR SALİH | European Mechanical Science | 2019 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Elektronik, TR DİZİN |
11 | | İnovasyon, İcat, Teknoloji ve Bilim Kavramları Üzerine | GÜNAY DURMUŞ,ÇALIK AHMET | Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi | 2019 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, Endekste taranmıyor |
12 | info | Estimation of depth-dependent material properties of biphasic soft tissues through finite element optimization and sensitivity analysis | ÜN MUSTAFA KEREM,ÇALIK AHMET | MEDICAL ENGINEERING PHYSICS | 2019 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
13 | info | Artificial intelligence techniques for the vibration, noise, and emission characteristics of a hydrogen-enriched diesel engine | YILDIRIM SEFA,TOSUN ERDİ,ÇALIK AHMET,ULUOCAK İHSAN,AVŞAR ERCAN | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects | 2019 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
14 | | Hidrojen ile Yakıt Zenginleştirmenin Dizel Motorun Motor Performansı ve Emisyon Özelliklerine Etkisi | ÇALIK AHMET | Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi | 2018 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, TR DİZİN |
15 | info | Exact analysis of hydrogen induced stress in metal solid sphere | YARIMPABUÇ DURMUŞ,ÇELEBİ KERİMCAN,ÇALIK AHMET,HORPAN MUSTAFA SAFA | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY | 2018 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
16 | | Bio-composite materials: a short review of recent trends, mechanical and chemical properties, and applications | YILDIZHAN ŞAFAK,ÇALIK AHMET,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA,SERİN HASAN | European Mechanical Science | 2018 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, TR DİZİN |
17 | | Determination of vibration characteristics of a compression ignition engine operated by hydrogen enriched diesel and biodiesel fuels | ÇALIK AHMET | FUEL | 2018 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI |
18 | info | Evaluation of vibration characteristics of a hydroxyl (HHO) gas generator installed diesel engine fuelled with different diesel–biodiesel blends | ULUDAMAR ERİNÇ,TOSUN ERDİ,TÜCCAR GÖKHAN,YILDIZHAN ŞAFAK,ÇALIK AHMET,YILDIRIM SEFA,SERİN HASAN,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2017 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
19 | info | Estimation of crack propagation in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell under vibration conditions | ÇALIK AHMET,YILDIRIM SEFA,TOSUN ERDİ | Elsevier BV | 2017 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded |
20 | info | Using HHO (Hydroxy) and hydrogen enriched castor oil biodiesel in compression ignition engine | ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA,AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKAN,ÇALIK AHMET,SERİN HASAN | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2017 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
21 | info | Investigation of Stress and Displacement Distribution in Advanced Steel Rims | DEDE GONCA,YILDIZHAN ŞAFAK,ÖKTEN KORHAN,ÇALIK AHMET,ULUDAMAR ERİNÇ,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA | International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies | 2017 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Elektronik, TR DİZİN |
22 | | Pamuk yağı Biyodizelinin motor ses seviyesine olan etkilerinin incelenmesi | ÇALIK AHMET | Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi | 2017 | Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, TR DİZİN |
23 | info | Energy and exergy analysis of biodiesel | ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA,SERİN HASAN,ÇALIK AHMET,ÇELEBİ KERİMCAN,AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKAN | Journal of Biotechnology | 2017 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
24 | | Effect of adherend recessing on bi-adhesively bonded single-lap joints with spew fillet | ÇALIK AHMET,YILDIRIM SEFA | SADHANA-ACADEMY PROCEEDINGS IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES | 2017 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded |
25 | info | Fuel properties, performance and emission characterization of waste cooking oil (WCO) in a variable compression ratio (VCR) diesel engine | YILDIZHAN ŞAFAK,ULUDAMAR ERİNÇ,ÇALIK AHMET,DEDE GONCA,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA | European Mechanical Science | 2017 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, Index Copernicus, SJIFactor |
26 | info | Effect of adherend shape on stress concentration reduction of adhesively single lap joint | ÇALIK AHMET | Engineering Review | 2016 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, ESCI |
27 | info | Relevance of inhomogeneous–anisotropic models of human cortical bone: a tibia study using the finite element method | ÜN MUSTAFA KEREM,ÇALIK AHMET | Biotechnology Biotechnological Equipment | 2016 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded |
28 | info | Failure load prediction of single lap adhesive joints using artificial neural networks | TOSUN ERDİ,ÇALIK AHMET | ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 2016 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI |
29 | | An investigation of the effect of parallel slot in bi adhesively single lap joints with spew fillet bonded | ÇALIK AHMET,YILDIRIM SEFA | Journal of Engineering Research | 2015 | Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded |