
Makale Adı Yazarlar Yayın Yeri Yılı Açıklama
1 infoThe effects of using intermittent metal part reinforcement and countersink on the strength of adhesively bonded jointsÇALIK AHMET, AKPINAR SALİH, DEMİRAL MURATInternational Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2024Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
2 infoThe effect of geometry on joint strength in adhesively bonded joints with the same adhesive areaAKPINAR SALİH, HACISALİHOĞLU İLYAS, ÇALIK AHMETMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2024Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
3Exploring the Efficiency and Emission Characteristics of Hydroxy-Boosted Canola Biodiesel in Comparison to Traditional Diesel FuelsÇALIK AHMETFrontiers in Energy Research2024Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded
4 infoCombined effects of hydrogen and TiO2 nanoparticle additive on terebinth oil biodiesel operated diesel engineÇALIK AHMET, TOSUN ERDİ, AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKAN, ÖZCANLI MUSTAFAScience and Technology for Energy Transition (STET)2023Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
5 infoThe effect of fiber length and structure on joint strength in bonded joints with fiber-reinforced composite adhesiveÇALIK AHMET, AKPINAR SALİHInternational Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2023Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
6Influences of Iron Oxide Nanomaterial and Hydrogen Addition into Sunflower Biodiesel/Diesel Powered Diesel Engine Performance and EmissionsÖZCANLI MUSTAFA, TOSUN ERDİ, ÇALIK AHMETMacromolecular Symposia2022Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, Scopus
7 infoDört Nokta Eğme Yüküne Maruz Yapıştırma Bağlantılarında İç Kademenin Bağlantı Hasar Yüküne Etkisi: Deneysel ve Sayısal AnalizÇALIK AHMET, AKPINAR SALİHOsmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi (Online)2022Ulusal, Hakemli, Elektronik, TR DİZİN
8 infoNumerical analysis of elasto-plastic adhesively single step lap joints with cohesive zone models and its experimental verificationBAYRAMOGLU SİMAY,AKPINAR SALİH,ÇALIK AHMETJournal of Mechanical Science and Technology2021Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
9Dört Noktalı Eğme Testi Altında Yapıştırıcı ile Birleştirilmiş Bindirme Bağlantısının Deneysel ve Sonlu Elemanlar AnaliziAKPINAR SALİH, ÇALIK AHMETÇukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi2021Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, TR DİZİN
10 infoEffect of Extensometer Usage on Obtaining the Force-Displacement Curve of the Adhesively Single Lap JointÇALIK AHMET,AKPINAR SALİHEuropean Mechanical Science2019Ulusal, Hakemli, Elektronik, TR DİZİN
11İnovasyon, İcat, Teknoloji ve Bilim Kavramları ÜzerineGÜNAY DURMUŞ,ÇALIK AHMETÜniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi2019Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, Endekste taranmıyor
12 infoEstimation of depth-dependent material properties of biphasic soft tissues through finite element optimization and sensitivity analysisÜN MUSTAFA KEREM,ÇALIK AHMETMEDICAL ENGINEERING PHYSICS2019Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI
13 infoArtificial intelligence techniques for the vibration, noise, and emission characteristics of a hydrogen-enriched diesel engineYILDIRIM SEFA,TOSUN ERDİ,ÇALIK AHMET,ULUOCAK İHSAN,AVŞAR ERCANEnergy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects2019Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI
14Hidrojen ile Yakıt Zenginleştirmenin Dizel Motorun Motor Performansı ve Emisyon Özelliklerine EtkisiÇALIK AHMETÇukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi2018Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı, TR DİZİN
15 infoExact analysis of hydrogen induced stress in metal solid sphereYARIMPABUÇ DURMUŞ,ÇELEBİ KERİMCAN,ÇALIK AHMET,HORPAN MUSTAFA SAFAINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY2018Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI
16Bio-composite materials: a short review of recent trends, mechanical and chemical properties, and applicationsYILDIZHAN ŞAFAK,ÇALIK AHMET,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA,SERİN HASANEuropean Mechanical Science2018Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, TR DİZİN
17Determination of vibration characteristics of a compression ignition engine operated by hydrogen enriched diesel and biodiesel fuelsÇALIK AHMETFUEL2018Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI
18 infoEvaluation of vibration characteristics of a hydroxyl (HHO) gas generator installed diesel engine fuelled with different diesel–biodiesel blendsULUDAMAR ERİNÇ,TOSUN ERDİ,TÜCCAR GÖKHAN,YILDIZHAN ŞAFAK,ÇALIK AHMET,YILDIRIM SEFA,SERİN HASAN,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFAInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy2017Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI
19 infoEstimation of crack propagation in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell under vibration conditionsÇALIK AHMET,YILDIRIM SEFA,TOSUN ERDİElsevier BV2017Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
20 infoUsing HHO (Hydroxy) and hydrogen enriched castor oil biodiesel in compression ignition engineÖZCANLI MUSTAFA,AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKAN,ÇALIK AHMET,SERİN HASANInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy2017Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI
21 infoInvestigation of Stress and Displacement Distribution in Advanced Steel RimsDEDE GONCA,YILDIZHAN ŞAFAK,ÖKTEN KORHAN,ÇALIK AHMET,ULUDAMAR ERİNÇ,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFAInternational Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies2017Ulusal, Hakemli, Elektronik, TR DİZİN
22Pamuk yağı Biyodizelinin motor ses seviyesine olan etkilerinin incelenmesiÇALIK AHMETÇukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi2017Ulusal, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, TR DİZİN
23 infoEnergy and exergy analysis of biodieselÖZCANLI MUSTAFA,SERİN HASAN,ÇALIK AHMET,ÇELEBİ KERİMCAN,AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKANJournal of Biotechnology2017Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI
24Effect of adherend recessing on bi-adhesively bonded single-lap joints with spew filletÇALIK AHMET,YILDIRIM SEFASADHANA-ACADEMY PROCEEDINGS IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES2017Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded
25 infoFuel properties, performance and emission characterization of waste cooking oil (WCO) in a variable compression ratio (VCR) diesel engineYILDIZHAN ŞAFAK,ULUDAMAR ERİNÇ,ÇALIK AHMET,DEDE GONCA,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFAEuropean Mechanical Science2017Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, Index Copernicus, SJIFactor
26 infoEffect of adherend shape on stress concentration reduction of adhesively single lap jointÇALIK AHMETEngineering Review2016Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı+Elektronik, ESCI
27 infoRelevance of inhomogeneous–anisotropic models of human cortical bone: a tibia study using the finite element methodÜN MUSTAFA KEREM,ÇALIK AHMETBiotechnology Biotechnological Equipment2016Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI-Expanded
28 infoFailure load prediction of single lap adhesive joints using artificial neural networksTOSUN ERDİ,ÇALIK AHMETALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL2016Uluslararası, Hakemli, Elektronik, SCI
29An investigation of the effect of parallel slot in bi adhesively single lap joints with spew fillet bondedÇALIK AHMET,YILDIRIM SEFAJournal of Engineering Research2015Uluslararası, Hakemli, Basılı, SCI-Expanded