1 | Otomobil Ön Tampon Enerji Sönümleyici Kompozitlerin, Malzeme ve Geometrisinin Hız Sıfırlanma Süresine Etkisi | Soyusinmez Tuğrul, SERİN HASAN, ÇALIK AHMET, Güzelipek Oğuzcan, Özcan Uğurcan, Alay Cemal | 7th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress | 15.11.2022 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, Antalya |
2 | Yapıştırıcıyla Birleştirilmiş Alın Bindirme Bağlantılarda Fiber Yapı Katkısının ve Pürüzlülüğün Bağlantı Mukavemeti Üzerindeki Etkisi | AKPINAR SALİH, ÇALIK AHMET | 7th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress | 15.11.2022 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, Antalya |
3 | Influences of Iron Oxide Nanomaterial and Hydrogen Addition Into Sunflower Biodiesel/Diesel Powered Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions | ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA, TOSUN ERDİ, ÇALIK AHMET | 5th International Conference Polcom (Progress on Polymers and Composites Products and Manufacturing Technologies) | 27.11.2021 | Özet bildiri, Basılı, Bükreş |
4 | Güneş Enerjisi Destekli Absorbsiyonlu Soğutma Sisteminin Tasarım ve Analizi: Bir Otel Örneği | ÇALIK AHMET | 5 th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2020) | 15.11.2020 | Özet bildiri, Basılı, Antalya |
5 | Evaluation of Ultra-High Strength Steel as a Material forConnecting Rod | ÇALIK AHMET,KARAÇOR BERKAY,TOSUN ERDİ,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA | 5th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2020) | 26.10.2020 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, ANTALYA |
6 | DESIGN AND COST ANALYSIS OF SOLAR TOWER WITH THE CAPACITY OF 20 MW IN MUT DISTRICT OF MERSIN PROVINCE BY USING SAM PROGRAM | ŞANLI BENGİ,TURNA DİLSEL ELİF,ÇALIK AHMET | CISET - 2nd Cilicia International Symposium on Engineering and Technology | 06.11.2019 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Mersin |
7 | Drag Coefficient Reduction Studies on Ahmed Body: A Review | AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKAN,VURAL Berk,ÇALIK AHMET,SERİN HASAN,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA | 4th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress | 28.04.2019 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, |
8 | Applications of Shear Thickening Fluids (STFs) and Preparation: A Review | AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKAN,YILDIRIM Ayperi Tuğçe,ÇALIK AHMET,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA | 4th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress | 28.04.2019 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, |
9 | Çekmeye Maruz Köşeleri Yuvarlatılmış Basamaklı Bindirme Bağlantısının Gerilme Analizi | ÇALIK AHMET,ÖZER HALİL | 3rd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2018) | 24.10.2018 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, |
10 | Finite element optimization for estimating inhomogeneous material properties of biphasic soft tissues | ÜN KEREM,ÇALIK AHMET | 9th International Biomechanics Congress | 19.09.2018 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, Eskişehir |
11 | Prediction of in-cylinder pressure in biodiesel-diesel operated diesel engine by use of artificial neural network | ÇALIK AHMET | International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM) | 25.08.2018 | Özet bildiri, Basılı, Paris |
12 | A Numerical Investigated of Human Femur During Gait and Running | ÇALIK AHMET | 17th International Eastern Mediterranean Family Medicine Congress | 20.05.2018 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
13 | Nano-Metal Katalizör Katkılarının Üç Yollu Katalitik Konvertörün (TWC) Karbon Monoksit(CO) Oksitlemesine Etkileri | AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKAN,ÇALIK AHMET,BAŞ OĞUZ,YILDIZHAN ŞAFAK | V. Ulusal Mühendislik Kongresi | 27.12.2017 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
14 | İki Yapışkanlı Bindirme Bağlantının Serbest Titreşim Analizi | ÇALIK AHMET | 2nd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2017) | 15.12.2017 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
15 | Remaining Useful Life Estimation from Fuel Cell Data Using Support Vector Regression Models | AVŞAR ERCAN,YILDIRIM SEFA,ÇALIK AHMET | 2nd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2017) | 15.12.2017 | Özet bildiri, Basılı, Adana |
16 | Energy and exergy analysis of biodiesel | ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA,SERİN HASAN,ÇALIK AHMET,ÇELEBİ KERİMCAN,AKAR MUSTAFA ATAKAN | European Biotechnology Congress 2017 | 16.08.2017 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
17 | Finite element optimization for estimating depth-dependent material properties of biphasic soft tissues | ÜN MUSTAFA KEREM,ÇALIK AHMET | The 23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics | 02.07.2017 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Seville |
18 | Compression ratio effect on performance and emissions of a diesel engine fuelled with plastic oil and diesel fuel | YILDIZHAN ŞAFAK,ÇALIK AHMET,ÖZCANLI MUSTAFA,SERİN HASAN | 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2016) | 15.12.2016 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Adana |
19 | A Numerical Study of Adherend Geometry on the Stress Distribution in Adhesively Lap Joint | ÇALIK AHMET | International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering (ICNASE’16) | 19.03.2016 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, Kilis |
20 | Comparison of Isotropic and Inhomogeneus-Anisotropic Models of Cortical Bone: A Tibia Example using the Finite Element Method | ÜN MUSTAFA KEREM,ÇALIK AHMET | The 7th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (APCB2013) | | Özet bildiri, , Seoul |