
Bildiri Adı Yazarlar Yayın Yeri Basım Tarihi Açıklama
2Modeling of Species Distributions With Deep Learning MethodÖZDEMİR SERKAN, KÜÇÜKSİLLE ECİR UĞUR, GÜLSOY SERKAN, ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR, NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ, SÜEL HALİL, MERT AHMET, ÖZKAN KÜRŞADThe Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2022)20.08.2022Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Ordu
3Calculating and Mapping of Topographic Complexity Using Entropy EquationsŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR, MERT AHMETThe Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2022)20.08.2022Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Ordu
4Estimating Sample Completeness for Biodiversity Assessment Based on Tree and Shrub Species in Sarıkaya WLDA/AntalyaGÜLBEN Mertcan, BERBEROĞLU EMİRHAN, ÖZ Zeynep, GÖRGÖZ Muhammet Murat, AYKURT CANDAN, ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD, ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİRThe Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2022)20.08.2022Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Ordu
5Predictive Modelling and Mapping of Turkish Oak (Quercus cerris L.): A Case of Study Gölhisar RegionŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR, NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ, GÜLSOY SERKANINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY28.09.2021Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Budva
6Determination of Site Factors Affected on the Distribution of Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) Species in Gölhisar DistrictŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİRInternational Conferences on Science and Technology14.10.2019Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik,
7Predicting Potential Distribution of Prickly Juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus L.) in The Mediterranean Region of TurkeyGÜLSOY SERKAN,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ÇIVĞA ALİCAN,ÖZKAN KÜRŞADInternational Conference on Science and Technology10.10.2018Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Prizren
8Forest Site Classification Acoording to The Distribution of Woody Plants in Gölhisar districtŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,GÜLSOY SERKANInternational Conference on Science and Technology09.09.2018Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Prizren
9Mapping of Potential Distribution of Crimean Juniper Species in Aydınca (Amasya) District, TurkeyŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,TÜMER İLKERIMCOFE V. INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRES OF EURASIA26.07.2018Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik,
10Mapping of Plant Species Diversity in Düzlerçamı (Antalya) Wildlife ReserveŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,KAVGACI ALİ,SÜEL HALİL,ÜNAL YASİNIMCOFE V. INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRES OF EURASIA26.07.2018Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik,
11Habitat Suitability Modeling and MappingSÜEL HALİL,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,MERT AHMET,ÖZDEMİR SERKAN,Yalçınkaya BernaIMCOFE V. INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRES OF EURASIA26.07.2018Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Barselona
12Alpha Species Diversity and Ecological Site Factor Relations in Brutian Pine Forests: A Case Study From Gölhisar DistrictŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,GÜLSOY SERKANInternational Ecology 2018 Symposium23.06.2018Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
13Suitable Site Conditions for the Distribution of Black Pine in Gölhisar District, TurkeyŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇInternational Ecology 2018 Symposium23.06.2018Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
14Determination of model maps for the potential distribution of Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold.) in natural forest areas in the Black Sea regionŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,Karakaya FatihInternational Symposium on New Horizons in Forestry20.10.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
15A Case Study on the Account of Medical and Aromatic Plant Species Richness in Yenişarbademli (Isparta) RegionNEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,KURT Esra Özge,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİREcology 201713.05.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
16Environmental and species indicators of Pistacia terebinthus L.: A case study from Gaziantep districtKAYA CANPOLAT,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,BAŞ MerveI. International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants11.05.2017Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
17Modeling the Potential Geographical Distribution of AnatolianBlack Pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana Lamb.Holmboe) in the Inner Parts of Central Black Sea RegionGÜLSOY SERKAN,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR4th International Geography Symposium26.05.2016Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
18Calculating of Landscape Diversity Using Alfa Diversity IndicesŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD4th International Geography Symposium26.05.2016Özet bildiri, Elektronik,
19Havasal Lidar Verileri Kullanılarak Meşcere Tipi AyrımıÖZDEMİR İBRAHİM,Donoghue Daniel,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,Osmanoglu Tolga,Akdemir DoganProceedings of the International Symposium for the 50th Anniversary of the Forestry Sector Planning in Turkey28.11.2013Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Antalya
20Investigation of relationships between vegetation and environmental factors in the Çariksaraylar district of the sultan mountainsŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ULUSAN MUSA DENİZHAN,ESER YUNUS,ŞENOL ALİ,ÖZKAN KÜRŞADThe 3rd International Geography Symposium13.06.2013Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Antalya Kemer
21Modeling and mapping potential distribution of Crimean juniper (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.) using correlative approachesÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,MERT AHMET,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇThe 3rd International Geography Symposium13.06.2013Özet bildiri, Basılı, Antalya Kemer
22A study on prediction of the ecological amplitute of the Kasnak Oak (Quercus vulcanica Boiss.Heldr. ex Kotschy)ARSLAN Münevver,KARATAŞ Rıza,GÜNER ŞÜKRÜ TEOMAN,ÇÖMEZ AYDIN,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ÖZKAN KÜRŞADThe 3rd International Geography Symposium13.06.2013Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Antalya Kemer
23Mapping of some distal variables available for mapping habitat suitabilities of the species A case study of Buldan districtMERT AHMET,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜNEY COŞKUN OKAN,AKDEMİR DOĞAN,ÖZKAN KÜRŞADThe 3rd International Geography Symposium13.06.2013Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Antalya Kemer
24The Forecasting of Cedar Trees Diameter with Artificial Neural NetworksKUZUGÜDENLİ EMRE,SAPLIOĞLU KEMAL,KAYA CANPOLAT,ADAY KAYA AYŞE GÜLDEN,KAYA ESRA,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ARSLAN SEBAHAT3rd World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT-2012)14.12.2012Özet bildiri, ,
25The Applicatıon of Group Discrimination Techniques to Predict The Potential Distribution of Turpentine TreeÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİRIn Proceedings of International Scientific Conference People, Buildings and Environment09.10.2012Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik,
26Göller Bölgesi ndeki Bazı Önemli Rekreasyon Alanları ve Onların Ekolojik ÖzellikleriÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,KANDEMİR HAMZAI. Rekreasyon Araştırmaları Kongresi15.04.2012Tam metin bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, Antalya Kemer
27Estimation of potential distribution of non wood trading species richness using classification and regression tree technique: A case study from Lakes district, TurkeyÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,MERT AHMET,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİRII. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium10.09.2011Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Isparta
28Ecological Properties of the Oaks in A District From the Mediterranean Region TurkeyÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,MERT AHMET,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,SÜEL HALİL,GÜLSOY SERKAN,ESER YUNUSThe Oak Ecology, History, Management and Planning II03.06.2010Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Isparta
29Ağlasun Yöresinde HB (Helenistik M.Ö 323-30) ve Bizans (M.S 395-1453) Arası) Döneminde İklimin Muhtemel Durumuna Ekolojik Açıdan Bir BakışÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,GÜLSOY SERKAN,MERT AHMET,ESER YUNUS,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,SÜEL HALİL,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇIsparta İli Değerleri Ve Değer Yaratma Potansiyeli Sempozyumları03.05.2010Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, Isparta
30Sipahiler-Hacıaliler Mevkisinde Karaçam ve Kızılçam Türlerinin Potansiyel Yayılışlarının ModellenmesiŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,MERT AHMET,GÜLSOY SERKAN,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,ÖZDEMİR İBRAHİMIsparta İli Değerleri Ve Değer Yaratma Potansiyeli Sempozyumlari03.05.2010Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, Isparta
31Burdur Ağlasun Yöresinde Yer Alan Bir Ormanlık Alandaki Bitki Türü Zenginliğinin Aster Uydu Verisi Kullanılarak TahminiÖZDEMİR İBRAHİM,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,SÜEL HALİL,MERT AHMET,GÜLSOY SERKAN,ESER YUNUS,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ2. Uzaktan Algılama ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Sempozyumu15.10.2008Tam metin bildiri, Basılı,
32Mapping Forest Stand Structural Diversity Using RapidEye Satellite DataÖZDEMİR İBRAHİM,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,MERT AHMET,ÖZKAN ULAŞ YUNUS,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ALKAN ONURESA-ESRIN Sentinel-2 Preparatory SymposiumTam metin bildiri, ,