1 | MODELING OF SPECIES DISTRIBUTIONS WITH DEEP LEARNING METHOD | ÖZDEMİR SERKAN, KÜÇÜKSİLLE ECİR UĞUR, GÜLSOY SERKAN, ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR, NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ, SÜEL HALİL, MERT AHMET, ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD | The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2022) | 18.12.2022 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Ordu |
2 | Modeling of Species Distributions With Deep Learning Method | ÖZDEMİR SERKAN, KÜÇÜKSİLLE ECİR UĞUR, GÜLSOY SERKAN, ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR, NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ, SÜEL HALİL, MERT AHMET, ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD | The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2022) | 20.08.2022 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Ordu |
3 | Calculating and Mapping of Topographic Complexity Using Entropy Equations | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR, MERT AHMET | The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2022) | 20.08.2022 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Ordu |
4 | Estimating Sample Completeness for Biodiversity Assessment Based on Tree and Shrub Species in Sarıkaya WLDA/Antalya | GÜLBEN Mertcan, BERBEROĞLU EMİRHAN, ÖZ Zeynep, GÖRGÖZ Muhammet Murat, AYKURT CANDAN, ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD, ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR | The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2022) | 20.08.2022 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Ordu |
5 | Predictive Modelling and Mapping of Turkish Oak (Quercus cerris L.): A Case of Study Gölhisar Region | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR, NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ, GÜLSOY SERKAN | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 28.09.2021 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Budva |
6 | Determination of Site Factors Affected on the Distribution of Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) Species in Gölhisar District | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR | International Conferences on Science and Technology | 14.10.2019 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, |
7 | Predicting Potential Distribution of Prickly Juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus L.) in The Mediterranean Region of Turkey | GÜLSOY SERKAN,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ÇIVĞA ALİCAN,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD | International Conference on Science and Technology | 10.10.2018 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Prizren |
8 | Forest Site Classification Acoording to The Distribution of Woody Plants in Gölhisar district | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,GÜLSOY SERKAN | International Conference on Science and Technology | 09.09.2018 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Prizren |
9 | Mapping of Potential Distribution of Crimean Juniper Species in Aydınca (Amasya) District, Turkey | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,TÜMER İLKER | IMCOFE V. INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRES OF EURASIA | 26.07.2018 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, |
10 | Mapping of Plant Species Diversity in Düzlerçamı (Antalya) Wildlife Reserve | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,KAVGACI ALİ,SÜEL HALİL,ÜNAL YASİN | IMCOFE V. INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRES OF EURASIA | 26.07.2018 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, |
11 | Habitat Suitability Modeling and Mapping | SÜEL HALİL,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,MERT AHMET,ÖZDEMİR SERKAN,Yalçınkaya Berna | IMCOFE V. INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRES OF EURASIA | 26.07.2018 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Barselona |
12 | Alpha Species Diversity and Ecological Site Factor Relations in Brutian Pine Forests: A Case Study From Gölhisar District | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,GÜLSOY SERKAN | International Ecology 2018 Symposium | 23.06.2018 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
13 | Suitable Site Conditions for the Distribution of Black Pine in Gölhisar District, Turkey | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ | International Ecology 2018 Symposium | 23.06.2018 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
14 | Determination of model maps for the potential distribution of Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold.) in natural forest areas in the Black Sea region | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,Karakaya Fatih | International Symposium on New Horizons in Forestry | 20.10.2017 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
15 | A Case Study on the Account of Medical and Aromatic Plant Species Richness in Yenişarbademli (Isparta) Region | NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,KURT Esra Özge,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR | Ecology 2017 | 13.05.2017 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
16 | Environmental and species indicators of Pistacia terebinthus L.: A case study from Gaziantep district | KAYA CANPOLAT,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜLSOY SERKAN,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,BAŞ Merve | I. International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants | 11.05.2017 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
17 | Modeling the Potential Geographical Distribution of AnatolianBlack Pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana Lamb.Holmboe) in the Inner Parts of Central Black Sea Region | GÜLSOY SERKAN,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR | 4th International Geography Symposium | 26.05.2016 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
18 | Calculating of Landscape Diversity Using Alfa Diversity Indices | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD | 4th International Geography Symposium | 26.05.2016 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, |
19 | Havasal Lidar Verileri Kullanılarak Meşcere Tipi Ayrımı | ÖZDEMİR İBRAHİM,Donoghue Daniel,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,Osmanoglu Tolga,Akdemir Dogan | Proceedings of the International Symposium for the 50th Anniversary of the Forestry Sector Planning in Turkey | 28.11.2013 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Antalya |
20 | Investigation of relationships between vegetation and environmental factors in the Çariksaraylar district of the sultan mountains | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ULUSAN MUSA DENİZHAN,ESER YUNUS,ŞENOL ALİ,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD | The 3rd International Geography Symposium | 13.06.2013 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Antalya Kemer |
21 | Modeling and mapping potential distribution of Crimean juniper (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.) using correlative approaches | ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,MERT AHMET,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ | The 3rd International Geography Symposium | 13.06.2013 | Özet bildiri, Basılı, Antalya Kemer |
22 | A study on prediction of the ecological amplitute of the Kasnak Oak (Quercus vulcanica Boiss.Heldr. ex Kotschy) | ARSLAN Münevver,KARATAŞ Rıza,GÜNER ŞÜKRÜ TEOMAN,ÇÖMEZ AYDIN,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD | The 3rd International Geography Symposium | 13.06.2013 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Antalya Kemer |
23 | Mapping of some distal variables available for mapping habitat suitabilities of the species A case study of Buldan district | MERT AHMET,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,GÜNEY COŞKUN OKAN,AKDEMİR DOĞAN,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD | The 3rd International Geography Symposium | 13.06.2013 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Antalya Kemer |
24 | The Forecasting of Cedar Trees Diameter with Artificial Neural Networks | KUZUGÜDENLİ EMRE,SAPLIOĞLU KEMAL,KAYA CANPOLAT,ADAY KAYA AYŞE GÜLDEN,KAYA ESRA,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ARSLAN SEBAHAT | 3rd World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT-2012) | 14.12.2012 | Özet bildiri, , |
25 | The Applicatıon of Group Discrimination Techniques to Predict The Potential Distribution of Turpentine Tree | ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR | In Proceedings of International Scientific Conference People, Buildings and Environment | 09.10.2012 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, |
26 | Göller Bölgesi ndeki Bazı Önemli Rekreasyon Alanları ve Onların Ekolojik Özellikleri | ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,KANDEMİR HAMZA | I. Rekreasyon Araştırmaları Kongresi | 15.04.2012 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı+Elektronik, Antalya Kemer |
27 | Estimation of potential distribution of non wood trading species richness using classification and regression tree technique: A case study from Lakes district, Turkey | ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,MERT AHMET,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR | II. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium | 10.09.2011 | Tam metin bildiri, Elektronik, Isparta |
28 | Ecological Properties of the Oaks in A District From the Mediterranean Region Turkey | ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ,MERT AHMET,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,SÜEL HALİL,GÜLSOY SERKAN,ESER YUNUS | The Oak Ecology, History, Management and Planning II | 03.06.2010 | Özet bildiri, Elektronik, Isparta |
29 | Ağlasun Yöresinde HB (Helenistik M.Ö 323-30) ve Bizans (M.S 395-1453) Arası) Döneminde İklimin Muhtemel Durumuna Ekolojik Açıdan Bir Bakış | ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,GÜLSOY SERKAN,MERT AHMET,ESER YUNUS,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,SÜEL HALİL,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ | Isparta İli Değerleri Ve Değer Yaratma Potansiyeli Sempozyumları | 03.05.2010 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, Isparta |
30 | Sipahiler-Hacıaliler Mevkisinde Karaçam ve Kızılçam Türlerinin Potansiyel Yayılışlarının Modellenmesi | ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,MERT AHMET,GÜLSOY SERKAN,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,ÖZDEMİR İBRAHİM | Isparta İli Değerleri Ve Değer Yaratma Potansiyeli Sempozyumlari | 03.05.2010 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, Isparta |
31 | Burdur Ağlasun Yöresinde Yer Alan Bir Ormanlık Alandaki Bitki Türü Zenginliğinin Aster Uydu Verisi Kullanılarak Tahmini | ÖZDEMİR İBRAHİM,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,SÜEL HALİL,MERT AHMET,GÜLSOY SERKAN,ESER YUNUS,NEGİZ MEHMET GÜVENÇ | 2. Uzaktan Algılama ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Sempozyumu | 15.10.2008 | Tam metin bildiri, Basılı, |
32 | Mapping Forest Stand Structural Diversity Using RapidEye Satellite Data | ÖZDEMİR İBRAHİM,ÖZKAN KÜRŞAD,MERT AHMET,ÖZKAN ULAŞ YUNUS,ŞENTÜRK ÖZDEMİR,ALKAN ONUR | ESA-ESRIN Sentinel-2 Preparatory Symposium | | Tam metin bildiri, , |